Daily service for more than 120 students on the two campuses of Boule and Billes schools.
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Daily service for more than 120 students on the two campuses of Boule and Billes schools.

Morning shuttles

Departure depending on the place of residence from 6:45 a.m. to 7:55 a.m.

Lunch shuttles (Nursery – Wednesday)

Leave school at 12:00 p.m.

Afternoon shuttles:

  • Departure 3:05 p.m.
  • Departure 4:25 p.m.

Arrival at home depending on location, traffic and weather!

The objective of the transport service is:

  • To ensure the safety of all
  • Wearing a seat belt is compulsory.
  • Car seat according to our criteria.
  • Team training: first aid (once/year), equipment installation and road safety (twice/year)

Vehicle and passenger insurance

  • Flexibility:
    • Be able to adapt to parents’ requests as much as possible.
    • Small vehicles
    • Different prices depending on the service.
  • VIP: Home pick-up and drop-off.
  • Respect schedules
    • Communicate as quickly as possible. Circulation of information (Parents-Responsible-
    • Accompanist / Parents-Accompanying-Responsible / Parents-Responsible)
  • Staff attentive, attentive, smiling, available.
  • Well-being of children.
  • Enforce the rules.

The vast majority of staff only speak Vietnamese. (Drivers – Escorts)

However, some guides can speak in French or English.

Our general communication is carried out in 3 languages ​​through the manager and the coordinator.

Our chaperones have the possibility of communicating to parents via SMS in 3 languages ​​to inform them of a delay or other.

  • My child is car sick.

Inform the person in charge and the guide.

It is positioned at the front of the vehicle.

In the event of an incident, your child will be washed and changed to have a good day.

  • Payment only quarterly or possible to pay by ticket?

The shuttle service operates quarterly or annually (Fixed Payment).

However, it is possible to pay by ticket (Occasional) depending on available places and the drop-off location.

  • Can my child take the shuttle occasionally?

Yes depending on space available. Payment by ticket.

  • Are there seat belts in vehicles?

All buses have seat belts as do taxis.

When the belt in the taxi is under the seat we ask the driver to take it out. In case of refusal we change taxis.

  • Are taxi drivers the same?

No, but we make sure to retain them.

  • What are the safety conditions for my 12 month old child?

Refer to the transport regulations. Cf. Point 12 Policy on wearing seat belts and use of car seats in the transport regulations.

  • Is my child alone with the driver?

No, a guide from the school transport service is always present.

Can my child be carried by the attendant, he is used to it.
No, this is against our rules.

  • What do you do when a child cries?

It is the job of the carer to ensure the well-being of the children even if sometimes it is difficult to console the children.

  • Is there an adaptation period for my child on the bus?

Starting with the return shuttle first is preferable

  • Is it always the same guide?

If no change of shuttle (journey – timetables – absence): Yes.

Can my child have breakfast/snack on the shuttle?

Breakfast or snack must be taken at home.

  • What if the bus arrives at the stop but there is no one to pick it up?

See Point 8 absence and late payment.

  • We are late in the morning. Can the bus wait for us?

See point 8 of the regulations

  • How do you know if the bus is late or early?

According to our procedure, escorts must send a message to warn

  • Does the shuttle service operate during the leisure center?

Yes, with a schedule adjustment.

book an appointment

Our team is available according to your preferences to give you a tour of our campuses. If you would like to meet with us and book a guided tour in Thao Dien or Binh Thanh, please access the online visit request form: