Flexible daycare service from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for your children from 18 months to 5 years old.
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At Binh Thành

The daycare at the Binh Thanh campus allows you to have your children cared for from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. This service is available for children aged 18 months to 3 years, for all children enrolled in the Boule et Billes daycare, as well as for children enrolled in other institutions who are unable to pick up their children or arrange for childcare after school.

Or at Thao Dien

The daycare at Thao Dien allows you to have your children cared for from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. This service is available for children aged 18 months to 5 years, for all children enrolled in the Boule et Billes daycare, as well as for children enrolled in other institutions who are unable to pick up their children or arrange for childcare after school.

This service was created in 2023, in addition to the care provided for your children at the Binh Thanh and Thao Dien nursery during the day. The nursery welcome your children on both campuses from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday.


1. The daycare

1.1 Registration process for daycare

The daycare is a part-time childcare service, available occasionally or regularly, limited to a few hours or half-days per week, subject to registration and availability of spaces.

It is located within the Boule et Billes daycare and is supervised by the manager and her team.

It is open to all children from 18 months to 5 years old, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM in Binh Thanh or from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM in Thao Dien, depending on the needs of the families.

Before dropping off their child for the first time, parents must familiarize themselves with this internal regulation and submit the completed and signed information form and dispute sheet to the office, along with the payment.

We charge a rate of 150,000 VND per hour. Parents must make the payment before dropping off their child, and any started hour will be charged.

For any questions or to register a child, parents can contact the manager or the office at the following email: or by phone at 028 3744 26 40.

1.2 Reception of children

The manager and her team are the direct contacts with families when welcoming a child.

The daycare is a place for socialization, encouraging children’s development. We provide activities for the children that are tailored to their age and needs, similar to those offered in the daycare.

Outdoor playtimes are scheduled when the weather and pollution levels allow, along with supervised activities and free playtime.

However, if a child attending the daycare has a difficult time, or if adapting to the group proves challenging, the supervising team reserves the right to contact the parents to inform them.

To ensure the best conditions for welcoming children, we ask families to inform us about the arrival of their child well in advance, ideally the day before for the following morning. Parents who have registered their child at the daycare are required to notify the manager or the office in case of any changes.

2. Nutrition, health, and care

2.1 Meals

We provide a snack prepared by the school’s kitchen; parents can check the menu at the daycare entrance or on the website, under the “Cantine” section.

Children with food allergies or special diets must bring their own snack from home, in a cooler labeled with their name.

Snack time is from 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM.

Lunch is provided to children as part of the nursery activities, with an additional fee of 80,000 VND. Parents must ensure their child has a suitable meal if they follow a special diet.

2.2 Health

Children with contagious illnesses will not be accepted at the daycare.

No medication can be administered at the daycare, even with a medical prescription.

If a child shows contagious symptoms during their stay, they must be picked up as soon as possible by the parents.

2.3 Care

Children attending the daycare must bring their own mosquito repellent, sunscreen, water bottle, diapers, and a change of clothes.

The team uses water and soap when changing children. If any specific products (e.g., specific creams) are required, these must be provided by the parents.

The school will charge for diapers and spare clothes not provided in the child’s bag, with a flat fee of 50,000 VND.

3. Miscellaneous information

Children attending the daycare may bring their comfort items or pacifiers if needed.

Personal objects and toys should be left at home.

Jewelry, hairpins, and items considered dangerous are prohibited at the daycare.


On-site registration

  1. Download and complete the information form
  2. Download and complete the conflict sheet
  3. Send both documents to us by email:

Online registration

  1. Fill out the online form (Google Form) here.
  2. The office will contact you to finalize your registration.
  3. Download and complete the conflict sheet or request to fill it out on-site the day you drop off your child.
  • Does my child have insurance with the school?
    We do not offer short-term insurance. However, the school does provide insurance for the children.
  • Can I drop off my child without notifying anyone?
    No, parents must inform the responsible person about their child’s attendance well in advance, ideally the day before for the following morning.
  • What do you do if my child keeps crying?
    If a child is having a difficult time or if their adaptation to the group proves challenging, the supervising team reserves the right to contact the parents to inform them.
  • When should I make the payment for the daycare?
    Payment should be made before or after dropping off the child at the daycare. Any hour started will be charged.
  • What will my child do?
    Children will participate in activities tailored to their age and needs, promoting their socialization and development. There will be outdoor playtime when the weather levels allow, as well as supervised activities and free play.