A fundamental mission of the Agency for French Education Abroad.
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Submission of files, key information.

The request is made on the website of the French Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City.

Information from the AEFE

Providing educational assistance for the benefit of French students residing with their families abroad is one of the Agency’s missions.

Educational assistance: a fundamental mission of the Agency for French Education Abroad.

Under Article L452-2 of the Education Code, the AEFE carries out public service missions relating to education for French children residing outside France. It can grant educational assistance to “children of French nationality educated in French schools and educational establishments abroad, the list of which is established by joint order of the Minister responsible for Education and the Minister responsible for Affairs foreign institutions” (establishments approved by the Ministry of National Education).

This aid makes it possible to cover, under certain conditions, all or part of the tuition fees to be paid by families.

The school scholarship system

This tuition assistance is granted subject to means conditions. It is reserved for French students aged at least three years living with their family abroad, registered in the world register of French people established outside France and educated in a French educational establishment.

Family resources must fall within the limits of an allocation scale defined according to the economic and social situation of each country and reviewed annually.

The scholarship application must be renewed each year and the file must be submitted within the deadlines set by the diplomatic or consular post.

Consult the AEFE page – SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS – General framework.