Sports, artistic and linguistic activities from 3 to 11 years old in Thao Dien and Binh Thanh open to all
School registrationRegister for activities only

The objectives of an extra-curricular activity are to promote the child’s development and autonomy outside of school time with pleasure as a priority. Extra-curricular activities are aimed at:

  • On the Thao Dien site, for kindergarten children (3 to 6 years old)
  • On the Binh Thanh site for kindergarten children (3 to 6 years old) and elementary school children (6 to 11 years old)
  • To children enrolled in other schools.

The activities are adapted to the age of the children. They are run by professionals, childminders or enthusiasts. They are not considered club activities. Every day, children have the choice between a sporting, artistic, language learning or study activity (only for elementary classes). Activities are provided in French, English or Vietnamese. An extracurricular activity should be fun for the child. There is no question of pushing a child towards an activity that does not attract him. In the same way, competition is only profitable if it is desired by the child himself! We therefore do not demand results from him as we would for school: we support him, we encourage him, we support him, our role ends there. Parents will have to encourage their children, support them, be present in the beginning, to motivate them, and over time, they will be able to learn about the progress made by their children. Each child profile will find the activity that suits them best, there is no one activity better than another, it all depends on the desires and character of the child, but all have significant benefits.

Here as an example, two activity programs for the previous year

For the elementary school

PROGRAMME DES ACTIVITES EXTRA-SCOLAIRES 2023-2024 2ème Trimestre Binh Thanh ecoles boule et billes internationale francaise vietnam-min

PROGRAM OF EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITES 2023-2024 2nd Trimester Binh Thanh school boule et billes international French vietnam-min

For preschool

PROGRAMME DES ACTIVITES EXTRA-SCOLAIRES 2023-2024 2ème Trimestre Binh Thanh Maternelles Boule et bille ecole internationale francaise ho chi minh ville vietnam-min

PROGRAM OF EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITES 2023-2024 2nd Trimester Binh Thanh school boule et billes international ho chi minh city French vietnam-min

You can also access the complete list with description, timetable and photos by consulting the PDF file below:


In the general operation of extracurricular activities, communication via the speakers is done in French, English and Vietnamese. The dominant language remains French.

Language learning:

We offer modern language courses to children who want to learn to speak a new language or who want to improve:

  • Reinforced English

These courses are accessible from the Little Kindergarten section, to beginners and experienced students.

  • French as a foreign language.

Activity intended for allophone children who wish to discover the basics of French, acquire new vocabulary and improve until they become completely bilingual and follow a French course.

In each lesson, the instructor offers fun activities, depending on the child’s level, via different media (books, videos, songs, drawings, theater, etc.) allowing the child to express themselves naturally in this language.

Depending on the level of each person, the speaker forms working groups/games in order to adapt the activities.

  • Who are these activities aimed at?

These activities are aimed at all children enrolled in Boules et Billes schools as well as children attending other schools, from preschool (3 years old) to CM2 (11 years old).

  • Are these the same activities for all children, whatever the level?

Some activities are reserved for kindergarten students, such as Vovinam, climbing or KinderMusik for example, others are for elementary school students, such as karting, tennis, etc. Activities such as swimming, reinforced English or drawing are open to all but we organize several sessions per level. All this information is specified on the activities description sheet.

  • Can my child participate in activities occasionally?

Registrations are done during the term, it is nevertheless possible to register your child for one or the other activity from time to time, subject to availability of places.

  • Is there a maximum number of participants for each activity?

Activities are limited to a maximum of 12 children.

  • Can we change activity?

Registrations are done quarterly, however it is possible to change activity if it does not suit your child subject to places being available in the new activity.

  • Is it the same price for all activities?

We ask for a supplement for certain activities that require fees (land rental, equipment, etc.)

Activities with supplements are Tennis, Golf, Judo, chess, STEM, etc.

  • What do you do if it rains and you can’t do the activity?

We have a protocol in the event of rain or heavy pollution: in this case, activities planned outside are replaced by other activities.

  • Do some activities require year-round registration?

No, registrations are done quarterly, at the start of each period you can either continue the activity or change it.

  • Do certain activities require special clothing?

Indeed, all sporting activities require suitable clothing, sports clothing, basketball, etc.

Concerning Judo and Vovinam, after a first trial session, we offer parents the opportunity to purchase a kimono at a preferential rate through our speakers.

For swimming your child will need to bring their swimsuit.

  • In the event of an accident, is my child covered by the school’s insurance?

For the children of Boule & Billes Yes. For external children need to provide proof upon registration.