Extra-curricular Project
Extra-curricular: evenings, Wednesdays and during holidays. Extra-curricular activities and activity center.Introduction :
This educational project was developed in close connection with the educational project of the Boule et Billes schools. It is essentially based on the development of the child, on promoting his well-being in the community and encouraging his autonomy and awakening. Extracurricular activities adapt to the child’s essential needs: physical, moral and emotional as well as to their biological rhythm. The child must be able to develop and flourish at his own pace during different extracurricular times.
“Boule & Billes” schools offer children several extra-curricular activities:
In the evening after school, one hour of activity on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday afternoon, several activities are offered until 4:20 p.m. And during school holidays, the leisure center offers leisure reception or summer courses.
The Boule et Billes daycare center was created in November 2004. And from the opening, the structure offered activities during the holidays and extra-curricular activities to children from outside.
Over the years, the school has expanded to accommodate children from nursery to CM2. In 2013, it offered extracurricular activities after the end of classes for kindergarten and elementary school children. At the beginning of 2018, an extracurricular manager was appointed to ensure the smooth running of extracurricular activities.
I) General operation
A) The public concerned
Extracurricular activities are offered to children from preschool to CM2. All children attending the Boule et Billes school can take advantage of the activities. Depending on their age group, these are different and adapted. In addition, during school holidays, children who do not attend school at Boule et Billes school can register at the leisure center.
B) The different times
There are therefore three times in extracurriculars, evening activities, Wednesdays, vacations.
In the evening after school
Activities are offered during the school term in the evening after classes from 3:20 p.m. to 4:20 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Children can choose to come just one evening or several evenings per week. They have the choice between several activities, and choose those that suit them at the start of each term. (Appendix 1)
On Wednesday, class ends at 11:35 a.m. After the meal, children can participate in extracurricular activities from 1:00 p.m. until 4:20 p.m. Several activities are offered, children can choose between 1 to 3 activities.
For PS and MS, a nap time is set up.
Children can sign up for one activity and leave afterwards, or participate in two activities and leave at 3:10 p.m., or they can stay until 4:20 p.m. and in this case, benefit from all three activities.
During the holidays
During certain holidays, notably in April and July, the activity center offers full days for children from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The activities offered during a vacation period correspond to a theme, for example: nature, the arts, etc. The activities are adapted according to the theme and as a result, they have real meaning and this helps encourage the imagination or to set up animation projects. Children have the choice between different activities in the morning and afternoon.
Also, the leisure center offers courses to children, that is to say tennis courses, theater courses where the children carry out the same activity every morning for a week and have other activities in the afternoon. This way children can really progress in a specific area.
C) The supervisory team
The people who lead the activities are either people from outside the school, teachers or assistants. The “kindergarten” speakers are always accompanied by an assistant. Elementary caregivers can benefit from assistance if necessary if the number of children is high.
At Boule et Billes, we respect the provisions relating to the standards for the supervision of minors in activity centers during school holidays which are set by decree n°2002-883 of May 3, 2002 (articles 12 to 22).
This means :
- Reception of minors under 6 years old: 1 facilitator for 8 minors maximum
- Reception of minors over 6 years old: 1 facilitator for 12 minors maximum An extracurricular manager takes care of the smooth running and organization of these different times.
Shuttle service: A shuttle is set up in the evening after extracurricular activities, on Wednesdays at 3:10 p.m. and 4:20 p.m. as well as during school holidays in the morning and evening to facilitate travel for parents.
II) The educational objectives of extracurricular activities
The educational objectives of the extracurricular (Wednesday and evening after school) and the leisure center (during the holidays)
agree on many points. However, the organization being different, certain objectives are not the same. Therefore, we have chosen to dissociate them. We will first see the objectives for Wednesday and evening times, and then those for the leisure center.
A) Wednesday and evening after school
General objectives | Missions |
Develop citizenship in children by allowing them to participate in activities and thrive in them. | -Implement rules of conduct in activities and enforce them. -Promote the child’s autonomy by getting them to do activities alone or with their peers. -Act to develop exchanges with peers while respecting the framework. |
Acquire skills and know-how. | -Offer children different activities in various fields (sport/arts/culture).
Promote the French language (except in the case of an English/Vietnamese speaker) | -Encourage exchanges in French throughout the activity. -Develop vocabulary in French around the workshops. -Enable the learning of French through the acquisition of action verbs or lexical fields specific to the workshops. |
B) Activity center.
General objectives | Missions |
Promote child development in activities and daily life. | – Encourage the child to do his or her activities and daily life alone. By proposing a space layout and equipment adapted to the age of the child. By letting them move around and do things alone in the workshops with the adult present. By asking them to do everyday actions alone. (Ex: perform hygiene procedures, help yourself, etc.) -Organize courses to allow you to discover different disciplines (theater, tennis, etc.) and to acquire interpersonal skills and know-how. -Organize events, theme days, big games (Olympics, etc.), outings outside the leisure center. |
Adapt to the needs and well-being of families and children. | Develop information for families: Provision of documents or display panels. Distribute schedules and leaflets, completion of children’s work, information book Distribute an individual questionnaire (paper or digital) to families to collect their expectations. Facilitate the opening and closing times of the leisure center, depending on the sleep rhythm of the child and working parents. By proposing a staggered arrangement of reception hours (daycare): in the morning from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. -Welcome each child and parent individually. By providing materials (construction games, drawings, books, etc.) By listening to families, passing on information about life at the center. |
Promote the French language | -Encourage exchanges in French throughout the day, whether in activities or during daily life. -Develop vocabulary in French around the workshops. -Enable the learning of French through the acquisition of action verbs or lexical fields specific to the workshop. |
III) General organization
A) Evening and Wednesday
The evening :
School ends at 3:00 p.m., children enrolled in after-school have a snack. They then have a little recess and regroup at 3:20 p.m., the workers come to pick them up in groups. The activity lasts one hour, then parents come to pick up the children from 4:20 p.m.
Wednesday :
After the meal, children not registered for after-school activities go home while registered children join the first activity at 1:00 p.m.
On Wednesday, there are three activity slots: from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., from 2:05 p.m. to 3:05 p.m. and from 3:20 p.m. to 4:20 p.m. Snack time is scheduled between 3:05 p.m. and 3:20 p.m. Children can participate in one, two or three activities.
-If at the end of school time (3:10 p.m. – 3:20 p.m.) the child has not been collected, then he will automatically be taken to one of our activities which will therefore be due. – If at the end of the extracurricular activities (4:20 p.m.) the child has not been picked up after 10 minutes of waiting, the child will be taken to the management who will be responsible for calling the parents. A fine will be applied if you are more than a quarter of an hour late.
Registration :
At the start of each term, the extra-curricular manager sends the program of activities to parents by email. These indicate the child’s choice by completing the registration form via the link. The first to register have their places guaranteed in the activity. If there is no more pl
ace in the chosen activity, the child will be asked to choose another workshop among those available. Below four children per chosen activity, the activity is canceled.
B) Activity center
How the day went :
The day is structured, respectful of the children’s individual rhythms.
Welcome :
Daycare reception takes place from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. A facilitator is present at 7:30 a.m. for staggered reception of the first children.
The welcome is decisive for the success of the day. The facilitator must therefore set up spaces and welcome each child individually. It allows each child to arrive and settle in at their own pace, and to meet up with their friends. He has the possibility between various activities: reading, playing, drawing, discussing, doing nothing…
The reception time also makes it possible to make the link between the family environment and life at the leisure center. The facilitator is available and listens to each child in order to provide an individualized welcome. Its role is to allow everyone to find themselves in the place. This can involve talking with one child, playing with another, reading a story, or facilitating the meeting of several children around a board game.
Activities :
Activity is a powerful factor in the development of the individual. It allows the child to build himself, to learn to master the environment. Activities, adapted to the age of the children, must be sufficiently varied and organized to meet the children’s needs. Setting up workshops linked to the development of motor, intellectual, creative and expression skills. Boule et Billes has chosen to offer diverse and varied activities so that children have different options. So we mainly find sporting activities: climbing, dancing, swimming, artistic activities: drawing, DIY and cultural activities: board games, languages, etc.
Meal :
The meal is a convivial moment of the day. The dishes are varied, European and Vietnamese with a predilection for fruits and vegetables. The meal is a moment of health education: care and hygiene, awareness of the benefits of eating a balanced diet. The children’s tastes are respected, while offering them the opportunity to taste the different dishes.
Free time :
Free time is a break in the day that allows you to relax in order to better resume activities. He must therefore respect the personality of each person; calm or active. Quiet time after lunch offers the opportunity for the child to rest at any time of the day if he or she feels the need.
Return to activities:
Different activities will be spread over the afternoons; outings, sports, manual activities, big games.
Afternoon tea :
This break time in the afternoon allows children and adults to get together in a friendly atmosphere. Snack time can allow for discussion to gather children’s impressions of the day.
Departure of children:
From 3:30 p.m., when the children leave, the activity leader acts as a liaison between the leisure center and family life.
Center closes at 4:00 p.m.
Registration :
Registration at the leisure center is open to all children attending or not at the Boule et Billes school. They are done upstream via the extracurricular manager and the school secretariat.
Technical means:
Extracurricular activities take place on all school premises. For certain activities, outdoor infrastructures are used (tennis court, golf course, etc.). A free, no-cost shuttle is set up to transport children when activities take place outside the school.
IV) Role of each
A) The extracurricular manager.
It is responsible for different times and has several functions:
- team animation
- financial, material and administrative management
- relationships with families
- relations with the school principal.
He must be vigilant, present, available at all times. It must enable cohesion within the team, by enabling harmonious dialogue between facilitators.
He also implements the educational project and ensures that the objectives are being achieved.
B) The animators
They are trained or made aware of how to supervise young children.
They must meet the six functions of the facilitator:
Ensure the physical and moral safety of minors,
Participate within a team in the implementation of an educational project consistent with the educational project in compliance with the regulatory framework for collective reception of minors,
Build a quality relationship with children, whether individual or collective,
Participate in reception, communication and the development of relationships between the different actors,
Supervise and lead daily life and activities,
Accompany the
s minors in carrying out their projects,
They also guarantee respect for the premises and equipment, as well as the application of the rules of life. The facilitators are the children’s mentors; they must set a good example and have the right attitude.
C) The assistants
They are present to support the workers when they are with kindergarteners. They also intervene when the primary care workers have too large a group. They guarantee the physical and moral safety of children. They must help the speaker in the various tasks of the activity.
Of course, other staff work at the center: the driver, the kitchen staff or the maintenance staff. These adults are also guarantors of the physical and moral safety of children.
V) Evaluation
At the end of each quarter, a meeting is organized, the agenda is different each time depending on the time of year. These meetings aim to discuss different subjects and take stock of the objectives of the educational project. The organization of the next vacation is also an element discussed as well as the general organization, the things that are working well and those that require improvement.
Appendix 1: Example of evening program.